What are the phases of Automation Testing Lifecycle

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Anyone please suggest what are the phase or stages of Automation testing lifecycle?
May 13, 2019 in Selenium by Jason

1 answer to this question.

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Hi @Jason, stages of Automation testing life-cycle are as follows:

  1. Determining The Scope Of Test Automation: It aims to identify the feasibility of automation. Every aspect should be considered while analyzing the feasibility.In this particular stage, the following things should be taken care of without a failure:

    • Which modules of the applications can be automated and which not?

    • Which test can be automated and how to automate them?

    • Factors like cost, team size and expertise should also be considered.

  2. Selecting The Right Automation Tool: Selecting the right automation testing tool is a critical phase for an automation testing life cycle as testing highly depends on automation tool. When you are looking for an automation tool you need to keep in mind the following things:

    • Budget

    • Technologies being used in the project

    • Familiarity of the tool with resources on-board

    • Provides you with a support team who can take care of queries or issues.

    • Intuitiveness, flexibility and more. 

  3. Test Plan, Design and Strategy: It is the most critical phase of automation testing life cycle methodology that defines how to approach and accomplish the goal of test automation. During the test planning phase, the testing team decides the test procedure creation standards and guidelines; hardware; software and network to support test environment; a preliminary test schedule; test data requirements; defect tracking procedure and associated tracking tool and a procedure to control test configuration and staging environments. Consider the following things when planning a testing strategy:

    • Gather all manual test cases from the test management tool to identify which test case needs to be automated.

    • Identify which framework to be used after understanding the pros and cons of the testing tool.

    • Build a test suite for Automation test case in the tool for test management.

    • Ensure to mention background, risk, background and dependency between the tool and application in the test plan.

    • Seek approval on test strategy from clients or stakeholders.

  4. Setting Up The Test Environment: As the name indicates, this stage involves setting up a machine or remote machine where test cases will be executed. Environment setup phase needs a thorough planning, you need to ensure that you are able to maximize your test coverage across as many different scenarios as possible.
    It is the responsibility of test team to schedule and track environment setup activities; install test environment software, network resources and hardware; refine test databases and develop test bed scripts and environment setup scripts. For cross-browser testing, cloud-based tools such as LambdaTest come into play, offering more than 2000+ browsers and browser versions which are hosted by VM for numerous desktop and mobile devices.

  5. Automation Test Script Execution: Once you install the test environment, it is the time to execute the test script.To perform script execution, signed-off and unit-tested test scripts are delivered to automation testing team. It is essential to ensure that all test scripts are running correctly. Once the test script is developed successfully, it should be executed by keeping the following things in mind:

    • A test script should include all functional aspects according to the test case.

    • Ensure to run test scripts in multiple environments and across multiple platforms.

    • If possible, batch execution can be done to save time and efforts.

    • If the failure occurs due to some functionality, write a bug report.

  6. Analysis + Generation Of Test Results & Test Reports: After all types of testing are performed, the testing team analyzes to identify particular functionality or components that experience a relative number of problem reports. The result of the analysis suggests whether it requires additional test efforts or not.Test results generated from the analysis can confirm whether executed test scripts/procedures can identify errors.
    It is the last phase of automation testing life cycle and the test reports are shared with all involved stakeholders at this stage. LambdaTest Automation provides an in-app report of all test cases executed through your automation script on cloud-based Selenium Grid. 

Hope this helps!
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answered May 13, 2019 by Abha

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