How to get travis to fail if tests do not have enough coverage for python

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Is it possible to have travis fail if my test don't have enough coverage, say < 90% for example?

Normally I run my tests with the following travis config entry.

 - coverage run --source="mytestmodule" test

Can anyone help me with this?
May 10, 2019 in Python by ana1504.k
• 7,910 points

1 answer to this question.

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if you add the --fail-under switch to the coverage report command, it will exit with a non-zero exit code (which travis will see as a failure) if the code coverage is below the given percentage.

That would make the script section of your .travis.yml file look like:

 - coverage run --source="mytestmodule" test
 - coverage report --fail-under=80
Of course you could replace 80 with whatever percentage you'd like.
answered May 10, 2019 by SDeb
• 13,300 points

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