Explain to me the difference between name node and secondary name node

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"Hadoop is not available because all the nodes are dependent on the name node".

In case of a name-node failure, the cluster tends to crash but HDFS cluster has a secondary name node can it act as a standby for name-node. Can someone explain to me the major difference between name-node and secondary name-node what makes Hadoop go unavailable?
Apr 30, 2019 in Big Data Hadoop by nitinrawat895
• 11,380 points

1 answer to this question.

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Firstly, You need to understand the major difference between the Name-Node and The Secondary Name-Node.

Name-Node is designed to save the information of the HDFS filesystem. 

Secondary Name-Node is designed such that it acts as a buffer to the Name-Node. Unfortunately, it does not act as the backup for the Name-Node as its name depicts.

secondary Name-Node stores all the updates obtained to the Name-Node in the intermediate computations and these changes are applied on to the system when the system gets restarted.

I will provide you a link to this information where get more detailed approach to the Name-Node and Secondary Name-Node. 

Apache Hadoop HDFS Architecture - Edureka

answered Apr 30, 2019 by ravikiran
• 4,620 points

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