Error - cannot locate pig-core-hr jar do ant -Dhadoopversion 23 jar

0 votes

Hi I am new to Hadoop field. After installing Pig in CentOS, I wanted to check the version with the command 

 pig -version

 But got an error as mentioned above. Can anyone help out with the solution? 

Apr 26, 2019 in Big Data Hadoop by sunny

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote


To recover this error, you can do one thing. Just install "ant" with the use of a command.  

sudo yum install ant

And try to run the same "pig -version" command and try to run in a different terminal. I hope it will work.

answered Apr 26, 2019 by Gitika
• 65,770 points
So what is the relation between Pig and Ant? I can't understand why working of Pig is dependent on Apache Ant. As far as I know, Ant is just a build tool, which will probably in our case download all the packages, libraries, etc. needed for pig. But we can also install it manually. And if its not working manually, then whats extra that Ant is installing, which we are not??
+1 vote

Even I got the same error, I tried installing "ant" but it did not work because 'bin' directory was missing over there. I tried something else, I uninstalled the version of pig.0.16.0 I was using and installed the latest version pig.0.17.0

After installing, I put down all the directories present inside it and then installed ant to build the pig. Because the Pig-script file, the pig, is located in the bin directory. Make sure you change all the necessary configuration in the .bashrc file according to your pig version.

answered Apr 26, 2019 by disha

edited Apr 29, 2019 by Gitika

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