Which specialization to take in MBA

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Which specialization to take in MBA to get more career opportunities?
Apr 24, 2019 in Career Counselling by sindhu
Finance and marketing specializations are booming these days!!

1 answer to this question.

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Hi Sindhu,

Mba specializations provided differs from college to college.

Most common Specializations are - 

1. Marketing 

 Marketing Management in India revolves around matching the needs of consumers to the marketing resources of a company. The course is about transforming consumer demands into services or products, which the company can profitably offer, deliver and promote in the marketplace.

2. Finance 

Financial management is focused on planning and controlling the financial resources of any industry. An MBA specializing in financial management will focus on management accounting and control, the Indian capital and money market, banking, privatization, and international finance.

3. HR

HR management will equip you with all these key skills, concepts, and the knowledge to manage human resources in a way which leads to the success of a company. The courses teach you all about recruiting, training, team building, performance updates, employee policy, salary, benefits and increments, employee health and safety as well as staff amenities. If you’ve got good communication skills and can handle tough situations well, you can go a long way in this field.

4. Operations

The course essentially teaches you detailed aspects of finance, sales, marketing, human resources, personnel management, operations, international business, retail management and more to give competition to the Indian market competition. 

5. Business development.

The above specializations are most common and taken specialization by MBA students and provided by colleges and university.

Hope it helps you.

answered Apr 24, 2019 by Cherukuri
• 33,030 points

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