How to install Kafka on Windows System

+3 votes
I am a new student learning Big Data Hadoop. I am following a blog series and there is a tutorial to use Kafka but they have not mentioned how to install Kafka on Windows. Can somebody guide me with Kafka installation on Windows?
Feb 25, 2019 in Apache Kafka by Malik
checkitout and follow instructions
Thank you @ASHRAF for your response.

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1 answer to this question.

+3 votes

These are the steps to install Kafka on Windows:

Before you start installing Kafka, you need to install Zookeeper.

Next, you need to download Kafka. You can download it from this link:

Once it is download, extract the files and copy the kafka folder in C drive.

Now, in the kafka folder, inside the config folder, you will find a file named 

Open this file in a text editor and find and edit the line log.dirs=/tmp/kafka-logs” to “log.dir= C:\kafka_2.1.1-src\kafka-logs”

Note that this path might change depending on where you have stored Kafka and the version of Kafka you are using.

Now to start Kafka. Go to the folder where you have saved Kafka. Shift+Right click on the Kafka folder and open it using command prompt or powershell.

Finally, run the following command to start Kafka

$ .\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\

Hope this will help.

To know more about Kafka, get your Apache Kafka certification course today.

Thank You

answered Feb 25, 2019 by Ramya
Thanks. One remark: the double quotes around the log.dirs parameter caused a fatal error in starting kafka on Windows. Omitting the double quotes worked fine.
i did downloaded and did same but im getting error while starting kafka .Could you please let me know what needs to be done.

C:\kafka-2.4.1-src>.\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\
Classpath is empty. Please build the project first e.g. by running 'gradlew jarAll'
Add path where you downloaded kafka in your windows system.

I did the same as shown in this post. I have added a path which is in C:/ drive I have changed log.dirs from /tmp to C:/kafka.

I have downloaded kafka SRC package.

Still, I'm facing the issue is there any way that this should not occur.

Did you set environment variable for kafka in your windows system?

Go to system properties->Advanced->Environment variable->system variable->New->add your kafka home directory /Path.

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