Employees are quitting my startup what do I do

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I have a small startup. Its been 2 years and it has been growing since the first day. But my employees are quitting. What do I do?
Feb 14, 2019 in Career Counselling by Manoj
Hey @Manoj, do you have any idea why your employees keep leaving?
I'm not very sure. The company is growing, the work environment is good and their pay is also pretty good, the only problem I think is working hours but that was mentioned when they were getting hired and also I thought they knew what they were getting into as this is a startup.

3 answers to this question.

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Hi @Minish, Employees will quit if they're not motivated. Find ways to motivate them. 

  1. Give them appraisals
  2. Give them treats and parties if they meet the target
  3. Conduct team building activities
  4. Show them where the company is going to be in a year and how they'll get promotions. Convince them that they'll be growing in the company.
  5. Share positive feedback
  6. Motivate instead of demotivating
  7. Be respectful and a supporting manager
answered Feb 15, 2019 by Kiran
0 votes
Hi Manoj, I completely agree with Kiran's answer. You should focus on finding the root cause why employees are leaving your company and what's lacking in the current structure of your company. A company's success depends not only on its product but also on the dedication of the employees. So if your employees are leaving the company then it should be a serious concern for your.

Here are a few things which you can do to understand the situation better:

1. Get in touch with your employees and try to have a one to one session with them. As its a startup, you can do that quite easily. Try to understand what's loosing their interest in work or for what reasons previous employee have left the company.

2. Try doing a stand-on meeting everyday to get updates on how things are going or if anyone is facing any issues.

3. Providing everyone with incentives or bonus might not be possible in a start-up. So, atleast praise people about their work in front their peers so that they feel motivated.

4. Don't use any abusive or bad language in office. It's a big No No for any office environment. I have seen offices where managers use abusive language to talk to their employees. People don't want to work in a place which has negative environment.

5. Share the monthly or yearly plans of the company with your employees and tell them how their work would be important for the growth of the company.
answered Apr 1, 2019 by Rashmi
0 votes
Hey kiran, Try taking feedback from the existing employees as to know any changes in the company, work to be changed.

You cannot bring back the quit employees, but you could use this as a chance to improve appraisal, more activities, motivations, etc. of the existing employees and more benefits having weekend activities, etc. It would make your work environment less tiring and better.

Once you contact your employees, then only you would understand and get to know the cause of employees leaving, so that you could work with management and do changes. Have a regular meeting with all your employees on a regular basis once a month or so to get more feedback and causes.

Hope this helps you.
answered Apr 4, 2019 by Nithin

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