Is it common with software engineers to go through the phase of thinking about their career

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Is it common with software engineers to go through the phase of thinking about their career, as did they make a mistake by joining the company they are working in now?
Feb 13, 2019 in Career Counselling by Jonathan

3 answers to this question.

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People who start their career with a good product based company they generally don't fall in this trap of thinking about the decision made wrong or not.

People who start their career with service based company often start thinking about their decision after 2 years.

This is what the general trend is.
answered Feb 13, 2019 by Esha
0 votes

Yes, its quite common for any IT employees to think of this question at least every few years. As Technology increases, job, career, stability, fame, position comes to mind. Most of the employees ask themselves wrt other colleagues, friends, juniors, etc after working.

Taking parameters such as salary, hike, status, etc people do think of such questions. 

answered Apr 2, 2019 by Nithin
0 votes


I guess its not a mistake if you join any firm as a fresher .At initial stage you need to learn new things and work on it. About technology , everyday it will come up with something new , so we need to be focused that how can we cope with the present era.

Changes happens for something good ,so there is nothing wrong if you change your present firm and  move ahead in your career for your better future.

answered Apr 4, 2019 by amrita

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