What should I choose between career and hobby

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This is the question I asked to my parents and they suggested me to go with career but still I am having second thoughts. I am CSE graduate and my hobby is Photography and I am pretty good at it. I have got a job offer from one of the top travelling company. What do I do? I am confused, please help me with your suggestion.
Feb 13, 2019 in Career Counselling by Jonathan

3 answers to this question.

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Selecting between career and hobby is often difficult and one should choose wisely between Career and Hobby. You have both the option in your hand. You have got the opportunity to pursue your hobby and also have got a good opportunity to build your career. According to me you should go for your hobby as you will always be happy doing what you are doing there. Doing a job by cursing people around you isn't a good way of living life.

All the best.
answered Feb 13, 2019 by Esha
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People are lucky enough who get the chance to pursue their hobby as profession, you can develop your skills into it, if you push yourself into some work which does not pay you satisfaction in life then its a waste of your talent. On the other hand if you feel like you are good enough in the field you have studied in and want to go with the technical job then your hobby will be your added quality . So choose what you feel is best for you because at the end of the day you will earn but satisfaction towards life matters.

answered Mar 29, 2019 by Gitika
• 65,770 points
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Hi Jonathan, If i were you i would go with career and work as a freelancer in photographer or you could also do the reverse.

But since you have got a chance to do what you like then i prefer to go with hobby. You got both the options, its your life and your choice but at the end of the day, you have to take note of all options and pros/cons to weigh your choice.

Make a better choice that wont make you regret later.
answered Apr 10, 2019 by Anitha

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