How to learn programming quickly

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I am a person from a non-IT background. I am interested in becoming a Software Developer but I don't have knowledge in coding. How can I learn to code quickly so that I can get a job?
Feb 12, 2019 in Career Counselling by Esha

5 answers to this question.

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If by "quickly" you mean 1 day, then it is not gonna happen. Coding is a practice that comes from practice. You can't learn it overnight. But you can learn it faster than doing a 4 year Bachelor's degree. Coding is just telling the machine in its language what you want to do. What you want it to do depends on your project or task. Telling it in its language is what matters now. Any good programmer will have a strong basic. Basics are everything. So, first learn basic. The most important thing to become a good programmer is practice. You need to practice how to code by actually doing it. Get programming questions from the internet and write a code for it. Keep doing this and you will ready to get a Job.
answered Feb 12, 2019 by Rute
0 votes
It might not be very quick for you to learn programming because you are not from the IT field. But it is not possible, it is not even difficult. Start with learning C program. This is the basic step for every programmer. Just search "Learn C program" on Google and you'll get the link of tons of resources for this. Use these resources and learn C programming.
answered Feb 27, 2019 by Loki
0 votes
Learning programming can be quick but learning enough to become a Software Developer will take time. You will learn the concepts of data types, data structures, algorithms, etc. (this might not make sense to you now, but you will understand when you are learning). But what is needed to become a Software Developer is problem-solving skills. So, once you finish learning the basics, start solving programming problems. This is how you will be good enough to be a software developer.
answered Feb 27, 2019 by Kanishq
0 votes
For learning how to code in short duration there are few methods which you have to follow. the best way to learn any programming language is by pursuing classroom courses for the particular language which helps you to develop your skills in coding. you should also make a habit of regular coding practice whenever you have free time. After a few months of this routine, you will be able to clear many job interviews.
answered Mar 25, 2019 by SA
• 1,090 points
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Hey Esha, if you are from non-IT background and new to programming, then you should first clear your mind in which specific IT domain you want to pursue your career as a Software developer can be working on various different technologies. Then you can go through blogs or youtube videos to learn basics of any technology.

To start doing coding, you should first see the documentation from official site of that technology. You can also go through Edureka's courses to learn whatever technology you want as they provide really good course materials and also hand-on demos to make you understand better.
answered Mar 29, 2019 by Anvi
• 14,150 points

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