I am facing issues with hive table. I have created a database:
create database airport;
use airport;
create table airports_mod(airport_id INT,name string,city string,country string,iata string,icao string,latitude double,longitude double,altitude double,timezone timestamp,DST string,tz string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY "," STORED AS TEXTFILE;
All this works fine but when I run the below command, I get error:
load data inpath "/home/hduser/airdatasets/airports_mod.dat" into table airports_mod;
FAILED: SemanticException Line 1:17 Invalid path ""/home/hduser/airdatasets/airports_mod.dat"": No files matching path hdfs://localhost:8020/home/hduser/Airdatasets/airports_mod.dat