List hardware acceleration in AWS Marketplace

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Is there a provision to sell personalized list of Hardware acceleration in AWS Marketplace? Do one need to be related to an Organization or an independent person can also do this? Please help.
Jan 29, 2019 in AWS by Guru Singh

1 answer to this question.

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A user can develop their personalized AFI and the software drivers to use the AFI. Then package the software tools into an AMI in an encrypted format. AWS manages all the AFIs in the encrypted format provided by user to maintain the security of ones code. Now to sell this product in the Marketplace, you or your company must sign up to be an AWS Marketplace reseller. You would then submit your personalized AMI ID and the AFI ID(s) that are to be packaged in a single product. Then AWS Marketplace will take care of the cloning of the AMI and AFI(s) to create a new product, and then associate a new  product code to these artifacts so any end-user subscribing to this product code would have access to the AMI and the AFI. This way you can market your personalized AMI and AFIs.

answered Jan 30, 2019 by sukesh

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