Hey @Dustin,
The default value for roles is kube_version: 1.2.4. You can override it by calling: ./deploy-cluster.sh -e kube_version=1.3.5
So you pass the value you want to use by calling
./deploy-cluster.sh -e kube_version=xx
I hadn't created the ssh connection between ...READ MORE
Here is concept which you can follow. blockinfile is ...READ MORE
Got it working using wait_for and until ...READ MORE
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Hey @nmentityvibes, you seem to be using ...READ MORE
Try using ingress itself in this manner except ...READ MORE
Hi Kalgi after following above steps it ...READ MORE
Consider this - In 'extended' Git-Flow, (Git-Multi-Flow, ...READ MORE
The lineinfile task has to match both the ...READ MORE
Hey @Kajol, Create a passphrase for the key openssl ...READ MORE
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