Need help printing a Pandas Dataframe without the index in Python

–1 vote

Hi all,

My requirement is simple - I just want to print a Pandas dataframe as a whole. BUT, I do not wish to print the index associated with it. 

It is just that I want to print one column, let's say time and not date inclusive.

To give you better clarity, this is how my dataframe looks like at the moment:

   User ID           Enter Time   Activity Number
0      567  2014-05-06 00:09:00              777
1      567  2014-05-06 00:18:00               674
2      567  2014-05-06 00:49:00              4567

I want to print this as follows:

User ID   Enter Time   Activity Number
567         00:09:00              777
567         00:18:00              647
567         00:49:00              4567

How do I go about doing this? Cheers!

Jan 16, 2019 in Python by Anirudh
• 2,090 points

1 answer to this question.

0 votes

Hi, the answer is a very simple and short one.

All you need do is this:

print df.to_string(index=False)

If this doesn't work for you, then you can go ahead and use this too:

print(df.to_csv(columns=['A', 'B', 'C'], sep='\t', index=False))

Basically, it depends on a string/JSON to be printed or if you are looking for serialization of data as well.

Hope this helps!

answered Jan 16, 2019 by Nymeria
• 3,560 points

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