I am trying to change directory in python and am getting an error message:
import os os.chdir(path=\Users\edenk\) print(os.getcwd()) File "<ipython-input-1-7efd99e461e0>", line 2 os.chdir(path=\Users\edenk\) ^ SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character
The syntax of the command you are using to change the directory is wrong.
To change the directory, follow the below syntax:
Context Manager: cd import os class cd: """Context manager for ...READ MORE
This will work >>> import os >>> os.getcwd() '/home/user' >>> os.chdir("/tmp/") >>> ...READ MORE
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Hello @kartik, use os.chdir like this: os.chdir("/path/to/change/to") By the way, if you ...READ MORE
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