Follow these steps:
Step 1:
Import all these hadoop libraries in your eclipse.
Step 2:
Write your map reduce code in your eclipse and export a jar file .
Step 3:
Now using your ftp option copy these files to your My Lab server.
- wc.jar(the jar that you created)
- wordcountproblem dataset
Step 3:
Open webconsole and fire ls command in it and find these files.
Step 4:
Copy that wordcountproblem file to hdfs with this command.
hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal wordcountproblem /user/edureka_334301
Step 5:
Now use the command shown below for execution of map reduce code.
hadoop jar wc.jar /user/wordcountproblem /user/wcout
Step 6:
And check the results using the command as shown below.
hadoop dfs -cat /user/wcount/part-r-00000