What are the tools one can use for analysis of machine generated data

+2 votes
I am new into data analytics. I have a machine that generates huge amount of data. I wanted to analyze the data for monitoring purpose. Can someone help me with few examples and help me to choose a tool that would serve the purpose.
What is the tool I can use to serve the purpose?

Thank you in advance.
Dec 3, 2018 in Others by Nitesh
• 3,080 points

2 answers to this question.

+3 votes

There are many tools in market which you can opt for e.g. Splunk, Papertrails, ELK, Graylog.

I find Splunk better then the rest because of the following features:

  1. Using Splunk you can Monitor the logs.
  2. Troubleshoot the failure conditions.
  3. Analyze system performance.

Splunk gives you the edge in terms of On-premise setup, working with any data-type, community for your problems, customer support for better understanding the problem, SaaS setup and also with better documentation.

Splunk is a tool that gives you both on-premise and cloud based setup, there are different versions of Splunk that can be used for different purpose i.e. business and personal. 

According to my usage, I find splunk better for analysis and visualization of machine generated data, that too irrespective of the data-type.

Hope this helps you!

Master Splunk and harness the power of your data – Enroll in our Splunk Course now!

answered Dec 3, 2018 by Shuvodip
0 votes
You can use ELK. It also can be used for analysis of your log file.
answered Dec 3, 2018 by raunak

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