When you say, non-EBS, you mean EC2 instance store-backed machine. There is no direct menu option provided in AWS console to snapshot your instance store machine.
Here is what you need to do:
Create a bucket in S3.
Get EC2-AMI-Tools, and also EC2-API-Tools on your machine/instance. export their bin folders to your $PATH
Use ec2-bundle-volume to bundle up your instance into a AMI package. (this would not bundle up certain directories, e.g. /mnt, /dev,...)
Upload your bundle to your bucket using ec2-upload-bundle command.
Then you can register your AMI,using ec2-register command.
This AMI is now registered as your private AMI. You can see it in your AWS Web Console under AMIs. You can launch this AMI, and it will be in the same state as your instance was, when you created your AMI.