1. Set Up Your Environment
Install Node.js, npm/yarn, and Expo CLI or React Native CLI.
Initialize app:
npx react-native init MusicApp
2. Design the App Structure
Screens: Home, Player, Playlist, Search.
Components: TrackItem, Controls, ProgressBar.
Navigation: Use react-navigation.
3. Install Key Dependencies
Audio Playback:
expo-av (Expo) or react-native-sound, react-native-track-player.
@react-navigation/native, react-native-screens, etc.
State Management:
useState, useContext, or libraries like Redux/MobX.
4. Play Audio Files
Example using expo-av:
import { Audio } from 'expo-av';
async function playSound() {
const { sound } = await Audio.Sound.createAsync(
await sound.playAsync();
5. UI and Styling
Use StyleSheet.create or libraries like styled-components.
Display album art, track info, and player controls (play, pause, skip).
6. Streaming from URLs
Use Audio.Sound.createAsync({ uri: 'https://example.com/song.mp3' }).
7. Deployment
Test on Android/iOS.
Use Expo Go or build APK/IPA for production.