How s the demand for data science

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How's the demand for data science? Like how many vacancies (approximately) available for this post?
Nov 12, 2018 in Career Counselling by Ali
• 11,360 points

3 answers to this question.

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It is known that in the U.S.A there would soon be a shortage of around 140,000-190,000 professionals, with the required skill set for data analytics. getting trained as a data scientist would be a really good idea.

answered Nov 12, 2018 by Maverick
• 10,840 points
0 votes

Data Science is boosting in demand, growth, and wages. 

  • There are more job opportunities in Data Science management and Analytics than there were last year and many IT professionals are prepared to invest time and money for the training.
  • The current demand for qualified data professionals is just the beginning. In the next few years, the size of the data science market will evolve to at least one-third of the global IT market from the current one-tenths.
  • There are a lot of vacancies due to the lacking of the required skills.
answered Feb 11, 2019 by Mariam
+1 vote

Honestly saying the vacancy for any job depends on the requirement of the the particular post for the company or organisation. When it comes to demand of Data Science at the market in present , It is one of the most Demanded Technology . Data Scientist are required all over the globe regardless of how small or big the Company is. Even small to smaller company needs a Data Scientist to analyse the data . Actually we are living in the world of Data and it is must to have someone who has the skills and knowledge to handle all this Data .The skills and knowledge to handle and analyse this Data is acquire from the Data Science training

Hope you can now imagine the demand of Data Science in the market.

Thank You

answered Mar 7, 2019 by MrBoot
• 1,230 points
Hey, I noticed you've added a course link. Is that an online course?
It provides both classroom course and online Courses.
How is it different from courses provided by edureka and udemy?
Where are these classroom courses conducted? And Is this course any good, because I've never heard of this training institute?
Yah it is a good institute which has well trained professional , good learning environment and they motivate you to work on live projects . Even me i completed my course from it and i am satisfied with the institute and the faculty.
It is totally different from the course provided by Udema or Edureka . In this classroom courses you will be present physically which helps you to polish many of your skills which would not be able to do which online courses.
Hey @mrboot, for a working professional who wants to update his/her skills, he/she won't be able to be present physically. That restricts a huge community. So being present physically is not that important factor according to me.
Is the classroom course available all over India?
I agree with your point that working professional will find it difficult to take classroom classes. But this institute has different classes course for people who are working professionals and willing to upgrade their knowledge. They provide weekend classes like Saturday and Sunday .
Yes you can find Classroom courses for Data Science almost in every part of India but some of the best institute is situated at Noida.
Hey @MrBoot, I have done my certification from Edureka and Udemy, I found it very interactive and informative. Doubts were clarified by the end of sessions. Then the course material is pretty amazing and also the instructors who teach the subject have good command on the subject and also as they have been a part of the industry for more than 10+ years, they give real-life examples and prepare us for the types of difficulty that may come. Overall, I think online courses are better than that of Classroom courses.

you think that way because you have no idea about Class room classes. I am not saying that Edureka is bad or online course is bad but there is more opportunity in classsroom courses as compared to online course.
I agree that classroom courses may have a better opportunity but I am saying in a fast-paced world, one should be free to learn according to his timings, that is provided by Online Courses.
It depends on the individual... i express what i fell and you did the same. For me no matter what the condition is Classroom course is always better then Online Courses, you might have different view .

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