I am facing a problem while running a Dockerfile on Docker for windows. It has the below code:
# escape=`
FROM microsoft/iis
SHELL ["powershell", "-command"]
# Install ASP.NET
RUN Install-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-45-ASPNET; `
Install-WindowsFeature Web-Asp-Net45
# Configure website
RUN Remove-Website -Name 'Default Web Site'; `
md c:\barometer; `
New-Website -Name 'barometer' `
-Port 8000 -PhysicalPath 'c:\barometer' `
-ApplicationPool '.NET v4.5'
COPY PublishOutput c:\barometer
Then, I run the following commands:
docker build -t mvcbarometer .
docker run -d --name barometer mvcbarometer
docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress }}" barometer
I get the following error:
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed