Unbalanced gradient flow in GANs can occur when the generator and discriminator have mismatched learning capacities, leading to either the generator or discriminator overpowering the other. To debug this, you can follow the following key points:
- Monitor Gradients: Check the gradients for both the generator and discriminator to see if they are too large or too small.
- Use Gradient Clipping: Clip gradients to prevent exploding or vanishing gradients.
- Balance Learning Rates: Use different learning rates for the generator and discriminator to prevent one from dominating.
- Use Wasserstein Loss: If using WGAN, try using the Wasserstein loss with gradient penalty to stabilize gradient flow.
Here is the code snippet you can refer to:
In the above code we are using the following key points:
- Monitor Gradients: Regularly check gradients to detect imbalance.
- Gradient Clipping: Clips gradients to prevent exploding gradients.
- Balance Learning Rates: Use different learning rates for the generator and discriminator.
- Wasserstein Loss: Consider using WGAN's Wasserstein loss with gradient penalty for more stable training.
Hence, these strategies can help resolve unbalanced gradient flow and stabilize GAN training.