Selection of Power BI Premium, Power BI Embedded, and Azure Analysis Services: All three should generally be chosen based on business needs.
The Power BI premium is much suited for internal reporting by the entire enterprise. Dedicated cloud resources, large dataset handling, and advanced analytic capabilities are added, making it scalable for performance and governance within the organization or organizations with several departments requiring BI scaling.
The Power BI Embedded is the best solution for customer-facing use. It lets them integrate interactive Power BI reports and dashboards right into their applications or websites, making it perfect for employing a BI offering without the need to be granted a Power BI license.
Azure Analysis Services is qualified at the larger enterprise level; it is quickly required for complicated enterprise-analytic applications that require extensive scaling data modeling as well as advanced querying. Its reach may extend to managing rather large data models and offering more flexible data manipulation, mainly applied in high-performance, on-demand querying needs.
Therefore :
Power BI Premium is most suitable for internal reporting and scalability.
Power BI Embedded should be best used for external-facing business intelligence.
Azure Analysis Solutions is for projects requiring large-scale, complex enterprise-level analytics.