To prevent Webpack from renaming JavaScript files with hashed filenames, you can configure the output.filename property in your Webpack configuration file. By default, Webpack may append hashes to filenames for cache-busting purposes, but you can customize this behavior to retain original filenames.
Steps to Configure:
Access Your Webpack Configuration:
Locate your webpack.config.js file, which contains the configuration settings for your project.
Modify the output.filename Property:
Set the filename property within the output section to a desired pattern without hashes. For example, to maintain the original names of your entry points:
module.exports = {
// ... other configurations ...
output: {
filename: '[name].js', // Uses the entry point names without hashes
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'), // Adjust the output directory as needed
In this configuration:
[name] corresponds to the name of each entry point defined in your configuration.
By omitting [hash], [chunkhash], or [contenthash], you prevent Webpack from appending hashes to the filenames.