What are the steps to migrate a monorepo into multiple smaller repositories

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What are the steps to migrate a monorepo into multiple smaller repositories?

Breaking a monorepo into smaller repositories can improve modularity and allow teams to work independently. This question seeks to understand the best practices, tools, and strategies for a smooth migration, ensuring that code history, dependencies, and CI/CD pipelines are preserved while avoiding disruption to ongoing development.
Dec 12, 2024 in DevOps Tools by Anila
• 5,070 points

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It takes careful preparation and execution to divide a mono repo into smaller repositories in order to preserve code history, dependencies, and team procedures. The steps are as follows:

Describe the Scope:

  • Identify modules or services in the mono repo that can function as independent repositories.
  • Document dependencies and interactions between these modules.

Preserve Commit History:

  • Use tools like git filter-repo or git subtree to extract specific directories or modules into separate repositories while preserving their commit history.

Set Up New Repositories:

  • Create new repositories on your preferred VCS platform (e.g., GitHub, GitLab).
  • Push the filtered history to these repositories.

Update Dependencies:

  • Replace local references to modules with references to the new repositories.
  • Use package managers (e.g., npm, Maven) for dependency management if applicable.

Update CI/CD Pipelines:

  • For every new repository, migrate or duplicate the current CI/CD workflows.
  • Make sure the tests and builds for the divided repositories operate separately.

Share Modifications:

  • Update the team's instructions, train them on the new workflows, and let them know about the changes.

Observe and Improve:

  • After the migration, keep an eye out for difficulties and take care of any integration or dependency concerns.

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answered Dec 12, 2024 by Gagana
• 9,950 points

edited Mar 6

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