Reason: When authentication isn't set up correctly or securely cached, Git asks for credentials. This frequently happens because of:
- Credential Manager is missing: Git is unable to store credentials.
- Using HTTPS URLs without Personal Access Tokens (PATs) is known as HTTP.
- Outdated Version of Git: not supporting contemporary authentication.
- Missing or expired SSH keys: For SSH-configured repositories.
1. Utilize Git Credential Manager
From Git Downloads, install the Git Credential Manager (GCM).
git config --global credential.helper manager
2. Make the move to PATs (personal access tokens)
Create an Azure DevOps PAT:
New Token under User Settings > Personal Access Tokens in the Azure DevOps Portal.
Change the URL of your repository:
git remote set-url origin https://<username>:<PAT><organization>/<project>
3. Employ authentication via SSH
Create a key for SSH:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
To your Azure DevOps account, add the key:
Add Key under SSH Public Keys in the Azure DevOps Portal.
Modify the URL of the repository:
git remote set-url origin<organization>/<project>/<repository>
4. Credential Cache In the short term:
Set up Git to save session credentials in a cache:
git config --global credential.helper cache
5. Upgrade Git
To support contemporary authentication protocols, make sure you're using the most recent version of Git.
With Azure DevOps, you can eliminate frequent password prompts in Git by configuring PATs or SSH keys and turning on credential caching.