Indeed, there are certain restrictions on comparing commits in Azure DevOps. To overcome these, follow these steps:
1. Only able to modify files
Limitation: Azure DevOps does not offer insights into higher-level comparisons such as commit messages or metadata; instead, it concentrates on file-level changes.
Solution: Use third-party Git tools such as SourceTree or GitKraken to examine the commit history more thoroughly.
2. Inability to Easily Compare Non-Sequential Commits
Limitation: Azure DevOps makes it possible to compare commits. However, it can be difficult to choose commits that are not exactly sequential.
Solution: Use git diff \commit2> to perform custom comparisons using Git on the command line.
3. Limited Customizable Diff Views: Azure DevOps' diff viewer might not include sophisticated features like ignore-case diffs or whitespace modifications.
Solution: Export the comparison to third-party tools like Visual Studio Code or enable or modify diff filters in the user interface.
4. Limitation of Binary File Changes: Differences between binary files are not shown in a meaningful way.
Solution: To analyze changes in binary files, use specialist tools outside of Azure DevOps, including image or data comparison tools.
5. Outcomes with Significant Commitments
Limitation: It may take a while to compare commits with a lot of files or significant changes.
Solution: To improve performance while comparing, utilize the Git CLI or optimize the commit size during development.
By integrating Azure DevOps with third-party tools or Git CLI, these limitations can be successfully reduced.