How do you delete a local branch in Git

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How do you delete a local branch in Git?

I'm trying to delete a local branch in Git, but I'm unsure of the correct command or process. I know I can use git branch -d or git branch -D, but I'm not sure when to use each or if there are any precautions to take before deleting a branch. Could someone explain the proper way to delete a local branch in Git and the differences between the commands?

10 hours ago in Web Development by Nidhi
• 3,520 points

1 answer to this question.

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1. Delete a Local Branch (Safe Method)

If the branch you want to delete has already been merged into the current branch (or into another branch), you can use the safe method:

git branch -d branch_name

-d stands for delete. It will prevent deletion if the branch has unmerged changes (i.e., if it's not fully merged into the current branch or any other branch you specify).

2. Force Delete a Local Branch (If Unmerged)

If you want to force delete a branch, even if it has unmerged changes, use the force delete method:

git branch -D branch_name

-D is a shortcut for --delete --force. This will delete the branch regardless of whether it has unmerged changes.
answered 10 hours ago by kavya

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