How can you use Power BI s built-in clustering algorithms for unsupervised learning on your dataset

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How can you use Power BI’s built-in clustering algorithms for unsupervised learning on your dataset?

In my current Power BI project, I need to analyze patterns and group similar data points within a large dataset. I’m looking for guidance on leveraging Power BI’s built-in clustering algorithms for unsupervised learning, including scenarios where clustering is most effective and how to interpret the results to gain actionable insights.
Nov 22, 2024 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 22,610 points

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  • Power BI comes with a set of clustering algorithms that simplify the identification of patterns in large datasets. Such algorithms help in the automatic examination and classification of relevant data points. To get started with this functionality, one should enhance their report with a suitable visual, for instance, a bar or scatter chart. After that, a visual is created. One can go to the "cluster" option in the analytics pane and group some data points based on the given structure in the data.
  • There are instances when you have multivariate data and you wish to find naturally occurring groupings without any predefined groups. Clustering is particularly very useful in dealing with such situations. For instance, in considering consumer behavior, one could look at variables such as average expenditure, product ranges, and purchase intervals. The clusters after segmentation, an algorithm provided by Power BI, will help identify clients who belong to the same segment. These segments are then interpreted to understand where there are gaps in the service or product offered or how marketing can be enhanced to target its clientele better.
  • Looking at the data that is compiled into such groups and measuring key figures for each group will give an idea of what characterizes each cluster. Create meaningful cluster names. It can help in understanding the conclusive cut, such as 'High-Value Customers' and 'Frequent Buyers' etc. This way, the corporation would further enhance the way that it collects information for deeper perspectives. Also, the results of clustering can be supplemented with a number of other options in Power BI, such as drill-throughs or filters, which can help in gaining more insights.
answered Nov 22, 2024 by pooja
• 21,730 points

edited Mar 6

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