How do you write custom DAX code to handle dynamic measures based on user selection like dynamic titles or KPIs

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How do you write custom DAX code to handle dynamic measures based on user selection (like dynamic titles or KPIs)?

I'm working on a Power BI project where I need to create dynamic measures that adjust based on user selection. The goal is to provide interactive, customizable reports with dynamic titles, KPIs, and visuals that update according to the filters or options users select. This would allow users to view various metrics, such as sales performance, revenue, or profit, depending on their specific choices.

Is there a way to write custom DAX code to achieve dynamic measures that can adapt to user selections in real-time? Any guidance on the techniques or best practices for implementing dynamic DAX measures would be greatly appreciated!
Oct 30, 2024 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 21,930 points

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Indeed, it is possible to develop interactive dynamic DAX measures in Power BI reports that change as per end user selection on the report. Below is a procedure on how to do it:

1. SWITCH and SELECTEDVALUE Functions Usage

DAX contains a very helpful function called SWITCH, which allows the user to evaluate multiple situations and return answers contingent on the user’s choice. Using SELECTEDVALUE together with SWITCH makes it possible to answer a question depending on the values populated by the user.

For example, build a disconnected table such as one with the title “Metric Selector” with features like “Sales,” “Revenue,” or “Profit.” Then, create a DAX measure that evaluates the value and implements different calculations depending on the value, for example:

SelectedMetric = 


SELECTEDVALUE('Metric Selector'[Metric]), 

"Sales", SUM('Sales Table'[Sales Amount]), 

"Revenue", SUM('Revenue Table'[Revenue Amount]), 

"Revenue", SUM('Revenue Table'[Revenue Amount]), 

"Profit", SUM('Profit Table'[Profit Amount]), 



This metric changes the calculation according to the user's preference for the 'Metric Selector' sizer.

2. Creating Dynamic Titles and Labels

In reporting, dynamic titles enhance the comprehension of the report since they keep changing according to the selected metrics or filters. To construct such a title, one has to apply CONCATENATE or & together with SELECTEDVALUE in a title measurement to capture the current selection.

DynamicTitle =

 "Current Metric: " & SELECTEDVALUE('Metric Selector'[Metric], "Select a Metric")

Put this measure in a visual card to show the title dynamically.


In cases of hierarchies, ISINSCOPE can also tell which level of the hierarchy one is at so that measures can change accordingly. This comes in handy when designing KPIs that can operate at various data levels, such as drilling down to further levels from the default level.

All these functions and techniques guarantee the creation of advanced and versatile reports that allow the user to adjust the content and focus of the report modeled as interactivity, thereby increasing user engagement and usability of the report.

answered Oct 30, 2024 by pooja
• 21,590 points

edited Mar 6
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To construct measures that can create dynamics based on user selection in Power BI, use parameter table options in choice (e.g., Sales, Revenue, Profit) to slice it. After that, write a DAX measure as follows:

Dynamic Measure = 



"Sales", SUM(Sales[SalesAmount]), "Revenue", 

SUM(Sales[Revenue]), "Profit", 



For dynamic titles, use a DAX expression like:

Dynamic Title =

 "Selected Metric: " & SELECTEDVALUE(ParameterTable[Option], "None Selected")

This approach allows measures and titles to update based on user choices.

answered Dec 18, 2024 by anonymous
• 3,020 points

edited Mar 6

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