What tools or techniques do you use to validate and clean Power Query code to prevent data refresh failures

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What tools or techniques do you use to validate and clean Power Query code to prevent data refresh failures?

I'm working on a Power BI project with complex data transformation requirements using Power Query, and I've encountered some issues with data refresh failures. I want to ensure that the Power Query code is clean and efficient to prevent these failures, especially when working with large datasets.

Are there specific tools or techniques available to validate and clean Power Query code to improve reliability and reduce the risk of refresh issues? Any insights on best practices for optimizing Power Query transformations would be helpful!
Oct 30, 2024 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 20,980 points

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In the case of Power Query data refresh failures, your solution should not just fix the problem but also make sure that your codes are well–organized and efficient. The following are some of the validation and optimization techniques for your transformations that can be useful:

1. Power Query Editor Tools

  • Query Diagnostics: Use the inbuilt Query Diagnostics feature in Power Query Editor to evaluate your queries' performance. The tool aids the drop machine by providing the amount of time each level in your query takes. It also helps visualize the stages that slow or halt the query and its execution.
  • Step-by-Step Evaluation: While you are building your queries, evaluate the transformations done at each step. This approach helps prevent errors, as you can always test each step and find out what transformation is problematic before moving on to the next step.

2. Error Handling Techniques

  • Try-Otherwise: Include the try...otherwise construct it in the M code whenever possible to avoid cryptic error messages to the users. This approach provides a way to deal with problems that may arise within your transformations without crashing the whole query. For instance, if an operation transformation goes through an error state, this can be changed with a default rate or any other calculation.
  • Conditional Logic: Included conditional statements to monitor for and handle nulls or other undesired values before actual transformations are done. This method helps to curb issues that arise during data refresh.

3. Data Type Validation

Last but not least, make sure that the columns in your queries have the correct data types assigned. Refresh failures can also be attributable to a data type mismatch. You may include such data type transformations towards the end of the query steps or even after loading data to check enforcement.

4. Documentation and Standard Operating Procedures for Naming

Every step of the query should be well-documented andrly. TCommentscommentsthin the M code to elucidate complicated changes. This will benefit both you and any other potential users who may come to understand the logic of your queries in the future.

Queries and steps should utilize the same naming structure regardless of who accesses them, making it easier to identify and fix issues that may arise.

5. Test with Sample Data

Test queries on small sample sets before executing them on massive data sets. This approach has the advantage of assessing performance and spotting bugs without requiring long periods between refreshes.

6. Tools for monitoring performance

In addition, you can use DAX Studio and other tools for purposes of query performance analysis and tuning. In particular, you will find DAX Studio useful in evaluating the performance of queries that involve a lot of transformations.

When you embrace these tools and techniques, you will strengthen your Power Query code and greatly lower the chances of refresh failures. This approach will improve the quality of the data transformation process in your Power BI project and reduce the chances of such processes being tedious and cumbersome.

answered Oct 30, 2024 by pooja
• 17,140 points

edited Mar 6
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These are the techniques that one might have to engage in while validating and cleaning Power Query code :

Query Diagnostics Tool Use: The built-in diagnostics that Power BI uses to identify performance bottlenecks during refreshes are also the process that allows checking through steps that take excessive time or consume huge resources and optimizing or combining them.

Nested Queries Avoidance: The fewer dependencies you have between queries, the simpler your queries will be. Flatten transformations and get rid of intermediate steps, even unnecessary ones, for performance improvement.

Optimize the Data Type and Filter: To minimize the data load set the right data types within the query as early as possible and apply filtering at the earliest possible stage. Avoid storing too many unnecessary columns or rows in memory for processing.

Use some of the best practices, including keeping query steps clear, using descriptive names, and testing assertions incrementally to prove that every transformation works as it should. DAX Studio and the other external tools can assist by using Power Query diagnostics in troubleshooting.

answered Dec 18, 2024 by Anu
• 3,020 points

edited Mar 6

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