PowerBI API Rest API for updating the Datasource ID

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PowerBI API Rest API for updating the Datasource ID?

I'm working on a project that requires updating the data source ID for a dataset in Power BI, and I understand that this can be achieved using the Power BI REST API. Specifically, I need to understand how to authenticate, access, and utilize the correct API endpoints to update the data source ID efficiently without manual intervention through the Power BI interface.

Is there a step-by-step guide or best practices on using the REST API for this task? If so, I’d appreciate guidance on setting up authentication, finding the data source ID, and executing the API calls to automate this update process.
Oct 29 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 8,370 points

1 answer to this question.

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To replace the data sourced in Power BI via REST API, here’s what you should do:

  • Get the Dataset ID: First of all, make sure you have the datasetId of the Power BI dataset which you want to change. You can achieve that by calling:
GET https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/groups/{groupId}/datasets

In this case, you need to replace the {groupId} with your workspace ID. 

  • Identify the Current Data Source: After obtaining the datasetId, verify the available data sources by invoking the following:
GET https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/groups/{groupId}/datasets/{datasetId}/datasources

A consequence of the preceding is that it generates the data sources tied to that particular dataset such as the one with the datasourceId that you would like to change.

  • Datasource Updating: In case you wish to change the proposed datasourceId, do the following request and provide details regarding the new data source in the body:
PATCH https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/groups/{groupId}/datasets/{datasetId}/Default.UpdateDatasources
  • Authentication: Always bear in mind that use of the Power BI REST API means use of OAuth 2.0. Make sure that the app has been granted the needed permissions (Dataset.ReadWrite.All) and a token has been received before attempting to make any requests.

These steps will assist you in successfully changing the datasourceId for a dataset present in Power BI.

answered Oct 29 by pooja
• 8,470 points

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