which of these tools is not associated with devops

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This question asks: Which tools may not align with the DevOps framework, meaning they do not directly support automation, continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), configuration management, monitoring, or infrastructure provisioning? While it is unlikely that they definitely won't because, in the context of DevOps, tools usually improve the capability of collaboration between development teams and operations and reduce the number of repetitive tasks and speed up the process of application deployment.

While evaluating something for its relevance to DevOps, how it contributes to faster and more reliable software delivery in ways that are collaborative should be the focus.
Oct 25, 2024 in DevOps Tools by Anila
• 5,040 points

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  • Adobe Photoshop is a great example that does not go by the concept of DevOps. Photoshop is a powerful image edit as well as graphic design and content-creation tool. This means all the creative work, which is supportive of the production of visual content, doesn't support any form of DevOps aspect such as automation in deployment, management of infrastructure, or improving collaboration between teams of development and operation.
  • Some of the common tools in DevOps are continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD), infrastructure as code (IaC), configuration management, monitoring, and logging. These tools are used in unison by teams to automate, scale, and manage applications consistently across environments. For example, Photoshop is built for one person to work manually-thus has no facet of version control integration or automated workflows to support the principles of DevOps.

So, while Photoshop is a requirement for designing, it doesn't provide collaborative, automated, and environment-oriented workflows which are very core to DevOps.

answered Oct 25, 2024 by Gagana
• 7,730 points

edited 4 days ago
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You must assess a tool's functionality and applicability to the stages and procedures of the DevOps lifecycle in order to identify which one is not related to DevOps. Here is a brief comparison of tools that are commonly used in DevOps and others that are not:

CI/CD Tools: Jenkins, GitLab, and Bamboo are examples of common DevOps tool categories.
Version control systems: Bitbucket and Git.
Configuration management tools include Chef, Ansible, and Puppet.
Containerization: Kubernetes and Docker.
Prometheus, Grafana, and Splunk are used for monitoring and logging.
Cloud platforms include Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure.
Tools Not Associated with DevOps:
Jira is a project management tool that is somewhat linked to DevOps but only partially so.
Graphic design tools include Figma and Adobe Photoshop.
Office productivity with Word, Excel, and other programs.
Tools Specific to Databases: SQL Developer, despite the fact that databases are a component of DevOps processes, these tools are mainly focused on DBAs.

answered Nov 28, 2024 by mounika
• 200 points

edited 4 days ago

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