How can I add my certification PL-300 to Credly Badge page

+1 vote
How can I add my certification (PL-300) to Credly Badge page?

I'm looking to add my PL-300 certification to my Credly Badge page to showcase it professionally. I’d like to understand the specific steps for claiming and linking the certification on Credly, especially if there are any prerequisites, such as receiving an email from Microsoft or other providers. Additionally, guidance on managing badge visibility and sharing it across other platforms would be helpful
Oct 25 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 8,370 points

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

If you are interested in adding your PL-300 certification to your Credly Badge page, then you need to follow the given steps:

Claim Your Badge: Normally, when you pass the PL-300 exam, Microsoft sends an email with a link to claim your badge on Credly. Remember to check the email address you provided in your certification profile, as such messages are sent there. Should you fail to see this email within a few days, consider looking into your Microsoft Certification Dashboard, as it occasionally allows managing badges and other portfolios.

Create/New Credly Account: If you have never used Credly, create an account using the same email as your Microsoft certification. This will help you easily match your certifications to your profile. After logging in, select "My Badges" to access the various available badges and certifications to claim.

Accepting and Displaying the Badge: After locating the PL-300 badge, select "Accept." The visibility settings allow you to manage whether the badge is publicly visible or kept private.

Badge Sharing: Credly also provides facilities to post your badge on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or even in the email signature as a hyperlink. To share on LinkedIn, you will have to click on 'Add to Profile,' and Credly will assist you in uploading it to the LinkedIn Certificate of Achievement section.

These steps are intended to help you display your PL-300 certification in a more professional manner using Credly's services and cover management across networks.

answered Oct 25 by pooja
• 8,470 points

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