How can I use context and examples in prompts to improve generative AI performance

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I am facing an issue in writing prompts through some examples in generative ai like GPT-4 or Gemini. Can you help with this? How can i use context in the prompt so that i can get exact answer from Gen AI?
Oct 22 in Generative AI by Ashutosh
• 8,790 points

1 answer to this question.

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If you are facing the of writing examples in the prompt to get desired and accurate output, then here are the tips you can use to extract answers from any Gen AI tools such as Chatgpt or Gemini: 

1. Provide Clear Context:

Start your prompt with a short introduction that will set the scene. This way, the model will know what you are asking for.

To support this, here is the prompt you can use:

2. Use Specific Examples:
Explain what you want for the AI to do
This will express the kind and level of details you would like.

To support this, here is the prompt you can use:

3. Act as a Question

Jot down your questions in a way you would be presenting it in front of the AI. Sometimes asking a direct question will make it possible for you to get the answer you require.

To support this, here is the prompt you can use:

4. Refine and Repeat:

If the answer isn't what you were looking for, refine your question by adding more context or clarifying what you're asking for.

By setting clear context, using specific examples, and asking direct questions, you can guide generative AI models like GPT-4 or Gemini to produce more accurate and relevant responses.

answered Nov 7 by Somaya agnihotri

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