Using Aircrack-ng and similar Wi-Fi pen-testing tools generally requires a Wi-Fi card capable of monitoring mode. However, here are a few workarounds:
USB Wi-Fi Adapters:
- If your laptop’s internal Wi-Fi card doesn't support monitoring mode, consider using an external USB Wi-Fi adapter that does. This can often provide better support for pen-testing tools.
Virtual Machines:
- If you have a system that does not support Wi-Fi testing, you can set up a virtual machine that uses a USB Wi-Fi adapter passed through to the VM. This allows you to use tools like Aircrack-ng in a controlled environment.
Remote Labs:
- Consider using cloud-based services or labs that provide access to Wi-Fi pen-testing environments. Some platforms offer virtualized environments with full capabilities to test Wi-Fi security without needing physical hardware.
Collaborate with Others:
- Partner with friends or colleagues who have the necessary hardware. You can work together to perform tests while gaining valuable hands-on experience.
Learn and Prepare:
- Use simulators or emulators to learn the tools without hardware. While this doesn’t give real-world experience, it can help you understand how the tools work before you get hands-on access.