How do Ethereum node compete for blocks

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I was wondering how ethereum blockchain works compared with the bitcoin blockchain.

I know that, in bitcoin, all nodes compete to mine blocks (and put to public transaction into them and thus make bitcoin as transaction processing fee), and that all nodes compete for the next block at one time with an equal chance of mining it.

But in ethereum, where you want a network of distributed apps that get executed according to the gas price they are willing to pay (and starting gas), are all nodes competing for the next block at one given time? Wouldn't this be a waste of computation?
Oct 12, 2018 in Blockchain by sabby
• 4,370 points

1 answer to this question.

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Yes, all the nodes do compete for (pretty much) the same blocks, and yes - they do execute all the code in a block, even if this block is not going to be successfully mined.

Ethereum's mining process is almost the same as bitcoin’s.

For each block of transactions, miners will run the block’s unique header metadata (including timestamp and software version) through a hash function. If the miner finds a hash that matches the current target, the miner will be awarded ether and broadcast the block across the network for each node to validate and add to their own copy of the ledger. If miner B finds the hash, miner A will stop work on the current block and repeat the process for the next block.

Don't think of it as "waste," but rather as a mechanism to ensure proof of work.
answered Oct 12, 2018 by Perry
• 17,100 points
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A lot of computing time is wasted. Mining Ethereum is very similar to mining Bitcoin. Every block of transactions has unique header data such as a timestamp and software version. Miners apply this data to a hash function, looking for a match to the current target. When a match is found, the miner earns ether and broadcasts the block to the network for each node to validate and add to their ledger. If another miner finds a matching hash, miner A will stop working on the current block and start mining another one.
answered Sep 6, 2022 by Jojo

edited Mar 5

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