I have a smart contract deployed on Kovan, which contains a getter function:
function getOrderStatus(uint _orderId) public view returns(bool shipped, bool arrived, bool payed) {
return (orders[_orderId].shipped, orders[_orderId].arrived, orders[_orderId].payed);
If I call the function via web3 I get the following output on the console:
Result {
'0': false,
'1': false,
'2': false,
shipped: false,
arrived: false,
payed: false }
But if I try to forward the returned object via a callback function to provide it e.g. via an API, I get the following output on my Browser:
[object Object]
The only difference is instead of console.log(returnValue) --> callback(returnValue) at the end of the following code:
function getOrderStatus(_orderId, callback) {
.then(returnValue => callback(returnValue));
The function is then being called via Express
app.get('/api/getOrderStatus', function(req, res) {
orderId = req.query.orderId;
getOrderStatus(orderId, function(error, data) {
if (!error) {