I want something related to python

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#  Don't change the code below

print("Welcome to Python Pizza Deliveries!")

size = input("What size pizza do you want? S, M, or L ")

add_pepperoni = input("Do you want pepperoni? Y or N ")

extra_cheese = input("Do you want extra cheese? Y or N ")

#  Don't change the code above

#Write your code below this line

bill = 0

if size == "S":

    bill += 15

if add_pepperoni == "Y":

    bill += 2    

elif size == "M":

    bill += 20

elif size == "L":

    bill += 25

if add_pepperoni == "Y":

    bill += 3

if extra_cheese == "Y":

    bill += 1

    print(f"Your tatal bill is ${bill}.")

# When the choices are L N N or M N N respectively it just shows nothing.? please help me through this.
May 14, 2023 in Python by Krishna

edited 5 days ago 14 views

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