What is the most effective way to make ChatGPT to resolve math problems

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What is the most effective prompt to make ChatGPT to be able to resolve this math quiz:

At the Eatery with Multiple Configurations, there are round tables, around which chairs are placed. When a tab has n chairs around it for some integer n>=3, the chairs are labelled 1, 2, 3, ..., n -1, n in order around the table. A table is considered full if no more people can be seated without have two people sit in neighboring chairs. For example, when n = 6, full tables occur when people are seated in chairs labelled {1, 4} or {2, 5} or {3, 6} or {1, 3, 5} or {2, 4, 6}. Thus there are 5 different full tables when n = 6.

Determine all ways in which people can be seated around a table with 8 chairs so that the table is full, in each case giving the labels on the chairs in which people are sitting.

I am using GPT-4 model

I started with this:

Please resolve the problem step by step. Starting with the chair #1, consider each step with gap 1 chair and gap 2 chairs.

It finds out the following:

  • Chairs {1, 3, 5, 7}
  • Chairs {1, 4, 7}
  • Chairs {2, 4, 6, 8}
  • Chairs {2, 5, 8}
  • Chairs {3, 6} which is wrong.

I then added:

The last one is wrong, chair #1 still sit one more person, it is not full. And your approach is wrong too. you need to consider each jump can be 1 chair or 2 chairs. Therefore you missed combination like {1, 4, 6}. Please redo it.

It still cannot resolve the issue.

Apr 18, 2023 in ChatGPT by anonymous
• 990 points

edited 4 days ago 13 views

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