Is there a way to have a Excel file attached to Visual C project without the need of always having the correct directory location

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I'm attempting to complete a project and am still quite new to coding. When I'm finished, I want the Excel file to be a part of the software so that you could theoretically take the project files wherever you go. I need to open an Excel file that I created as a template to make copies. I want it to be able to be utilised even if the local computer does not have the file because it is writing data to a file (rather than reading and pulling data) (I.E. it should be in files with the application).

I haven't put much effort into attempting to make it work thus far because I've been busy. Although I now have the Excel workbook opening based on file location, this is not the end result I am hoping for. I have the project file on a flash drive because I am working on this across many computers, however if I work on it on a different system, the flash drive's root directory name is the same, thus it won't function. Can I turn it into an item or something in Visual Studio so it can be opened and modified without requiring a different file location than the project directory?

 //open workbook.
      oWB = (Excel._Workbook)(oXL.Workbooks.Open(@"[workbook file location here]"));
      oSheet = (Excel._Worksheet)oWB.ActiveSheet;
Apr 4, 2023 in Others by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

1 answer to this question.

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You can add the file to your project. Either as content or as part of a resource.

As Content

  1. Right-click your project
  2. Select 'Add existing item'
  3. Choose the Excel file
  4. Right-click the added Excel file
  5. Select 'Properties'
  6. Choose 'Content' as the build type
  7. Choose 'Copy if newer

As Resource

I like the resource approach because it makes it easy to access the file later on in your project.

  1. Right-click your project
  2. Select 'Add item'
  3. Search for 'Resource'
  4. Open the added file and choose 'Files' for the types
  5. Add your Excel file with Drag & Drop to the resource
  6. Now you can access the file in C# from Resources.Name_of_your_Excel_File
answered Apr 4, 2023 by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

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