How to find all internal ranges in a specified range

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I can't figure out how to find all the internal name ranges that are within a specified range.

For example, there are three ranges: R_1, R_2, and R_3.

enter image description here

I need to search through all the ranges (for each) to find only those that will fit inside the specified range.

In this example, the specified range is R_2. At the output, I need to find R_2 and R_3. But not R_1.

Dim nm As Name

For Each nm In ThisWorkbook.Names
  *** CODE HERE ***
Next nm

I previously used the following code.

Dim nm As Name
Dim rng As Range

Set rng = Range("R_2")  'specified range

For Each nm In ThisWorkbook.Names
  If Not Intersect(rng,Range(nm)) Is Nothing Then
    *** CODE HERE ***
  End If
Next nm

If I needed to locate all internal ranges but there were no external ranges, it worked. That is, I would have no trouble locating R 2 and R 3 if there was no range of R 1. So looking for intersections is inappropriate if there is an external range.

Please let me know what you can come up with in this situation. I should also mention that range names can vary, so I specifically require an enumeration of all ranges (for each).

Mar 27, 2023 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

1 answer to this question.

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It is simple to compare once you have the corner's coordinates. The first approach compares every range against every other range. The values are computed using the final approach.
You must choose whether to compare with and > or = and >=.

Sub Test()
    Dim nm1 As Name, nm2 As Name
    For Each nm1 In ThisWorkbook.Names
        For Each nm2 In ThisWorkbook.Names
            If nm1.Name <> nm2.Name Then
                Debug.Print nm1.Name & " inside of " & nm2.Name & ": " & IsInside(nm1.RefersToRange, nm2.RefersToRange)
            End If
        Next nm2
    Next nm1
End Sub

Function IsInside(InnerRange As Range, OuterRange As Range) As Boolean
    Dim InnerLeft As Long
    Dim InnerTop As Long
    Dim InnerRight As Long
    Dim InnerBottom As Long
    Dim OuterLeft As Long
    Dim OuterTop As Long
    Dim OuterRight As Long
    Dim OuterBottom As Long
    With InnerRange
        InnerTop = .Row
        InnerLeft = .Column
        InnerBottom = .Row + .Rows.Count
        InnerRight = .Column + .Columns.Count
    End With
    With OuterRange
        OuterTop = .Row
        OuterLeft = .Column
        OuterBottom = .Row + .Rows.Count
        OuterRight = .Column + .Columns.Count
    End With
    IsInside = False
    If InnerLeft > OuterLeft And InnerRight < OuterRight Then
        If InnerTop > OuterTop And InnerBottom < OuterBottom Then
            IsInside = True
        End If
    End If
End Function
answered Mar 27, 2023 by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

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