Linking 3 Flutter Projects in One Flutter Project

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There are 3 Flutter Projects with me.

  1. Flutter Project for Business Directory
  2. Flutter project for Job Portal
  3. Flutter project for LMS

I need to link these three flutter projects in one flutter project.

I need to know the task is possible to do it, if it is possible, how to do it?

Mar 17, 2023 in Flutter by sarit
• 1,830 points

1 answer to this question.

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Yes, it is possible to combine multiple Flutter projects into one project. Here are the general steps you can follow:

  1. Create a new Flutter project and open it in your preferred IDE (such as Android Studio or VS Code).

  2. Copy the relevant files and directories from each of the three existing Flutter projects into the new project's directory. Specifically, you'll want to copy the lib/ directory (which contains the source code for each project) and any assets/ or pubspec.yaml files that are specific to each project.

  3. Open the pubspec.yaml file in the new project and add the dependencies required by each of the three existing projects. Make sure to also include any assets required by each project.

  4. Import the source code for each of the three projects into the main.dart file of the new project. You can do this by adding import statements at the top of the file, followed by the relevant code.

  5. You'll need to decide how to handle conflicts between the three projects, such as duplicate class names or conflicting dependencies. You may need to refactor some code or use aliases to avoid naming conflicts.

  6. Test the combined project thoroughly to make sure everything works as expected.

These are general steps, and the specific implementation may vary depending on the complexity of the existing projects. If you encounter any specific issues or difficulties, feel free to ask for further assistance.

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answered Mar 20, 2023 by vinayak

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