Relative imports in Python 3

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In the same directory, I wish to import a function from another file.

One of the following usually works:

from .mymodule import myfunction
from mymodule import myfunction

The other, however, produces one of the following errors:

ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mymodule'
SystemError: Parent module '' not loaded, cannot perform relative import

Why is this?
Feb 15, 2023 in Python by Arya
• 990 points

1 answer to this question.

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Because the first statement, from.mymodule import myfunction, utilises a dot to indicate that the module to import is located in the same directory as the current module, it is referred to as a relative import. When importing modules into another package, which is a directory containing a collection of modules, this syntax is used. The current package is represented by the dot in this instance.

Because it defines the module to import using its whole name, the second statement, from mymodule import myfunction, is referred to as an absolute import. This syntax is used to import modules that are contained in a different package or that are not currently part of the current package.

When a relative import is used in a module that is not a part of a package, the error message "ImportError: tried relative import with no known parent package" is displayed. A directory is considered to be a package if it has the __init .py file, which identifies the directory as such. The interpreter cannot detect the relative path to the module to import if the current module is not a component of a package, which results in the error.

When the interpreter is unable to locate the module to import, the message "ModuleNotFoundError: No module called "mymodule"" is raised. The module may not be installed, it may not be in the same directory as the current module, it may not be in one of the directories mentioned in the Pythonpath variable.

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answered Feb 16, 2023 by Rishu
• 300 points

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