how to count the number of methods other than OPTION on AWS API Gateway with python

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I need to count the number of methods on AWS API Gateway. I'm very new to python scripting. It doesn't care about any path, and it's just that the OPTIONS method doesn't count. GET, POST, PUT, etc. sections (exclude OPTION)

Here I attach the code that I'm currently trying to implement.

import boto3

Create a client for the API Gateway service

client = boto3.client('apigateway')

Get the ID of the API Gateway

api_id = 'my_api_id'

Get the list of resources in the API Gateway

resources = client.get_resources(restApiId=api_id)

Initialize a variable to store the number of methods

method_count = 0

# Get the list of methods for each resource
for resource in resources['items']:
    resource_methods = client.get_methods(restApiId=api_id, resourceId=resource['id'])
    for method in resource_methods['items']:
        if method['httpMethod'] != 'OPTIONS':
            method_count += 1

# Print the number of methods

I got this error and am still confused about doing the calculations. Please help. Your response is precious.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 17, in <module>
    resource_methods = client.get_methods(restApiId=api_id, resourceId=resource['id'])
  File "/home/users/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/botocore/", line 646, in __getattr__
    raise AttributeError(
AttributeError: 'APIGateway' object has no attribute 'get_methods'

Feb 14, 2023 in AWS by Ashwini
• 5,430 points

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The error you are seeing is because the boto3 APIGateway client doesn't have a get_methods() method. Instead, you can use the get_method() method to get the details of a specific method, and then check the httpMethod attribute of the method to count the number of non-OPTIONS methods.

Here's an updated version of your script that should work:

import boto3

# Create a client for the API Gateway service
client = boto3.client('apigateway')

# Get the ID of the API Gateway
api_id = 'my_api_id'

# Get the list of resources in the API Gateway
resources = client.get_resources(restApiId=api_id)

# Initialize a variable to store the number of methods
method_count = 0

# Get the list of methods for each resource
for resource in resources['items']:
    resource_methods = client.get_resource(
        restApiId=api_id, resourceId=resource['id'])
    for method in resource_methods['resourceMethods'].values():
        if method['httpMethod'] != 'OPTIONS':
            method_count += 1

# Print the number of methods

In this script, we use the get_resource() method to get the details of each resource, and then access the resourceMethods attribute to get a dictionary of HTTP methods for that resource. We then iterate over the values of this dictionary and check the httpMethod attribute of each method to count the number of non-OPTIONS methods.

Note that the resourceMethods dictionary only contains the methods that have been defined for a specific resource. If you have any methods defined at the API Gateway level (i.e., not associated with any specific resource), you will need to retrieve these separately using the get_method() method.
answered Feb 16, 2023 by anonymous

edited Mar 5

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