How to consolidate multiple tables in one table using power bi

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Hi, I have pdf wanted to upload in power bi, in that pdf I have 4 columns (city, unit name, contact, address) and 8 tables with the same column name. I wanted to consolidate all tables into 1 table.

City unit name contact address
bhopal mp nagar 8770761966 plot no 45 hoshangabad road bhopa
indore 56 dukan 3543657334 dukan no. 56 chappan road indore

Table 2

City unit name contact address
Prayagraj sangam 4534563345  kuch bhi addrss sample 
Rewa maple 8775938587 lknav fni ample sample


City unit name contact address
bhopal mp nagar 8770761966 plot no 45 hoshangabad road bhopa
indore 56 dukan 3543657334 dukan no. 56 chappan road indore
Prayagraj sangam 4534563345  kuch bhi addrss sample 
Rewa maple 8775938587 lknav fni ample sample
Feb 10, 2023 in Power BI by Amit

edited 5 days ago 9 views

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