For a project I'm working on, Ruby 2.7.5 specifically needs to be used.
I attempted installing it using Azure's UseRubyVersion@0:
- task: UseRubyVersion@0
versionSpec: "2.7.5"
But this resulted in an error:
##[warning]Specifying an exact version is not recommended on Microsoft-Hosted agents. Patch versions of Ruby can be replaced by new ones on Hosted agents without notice, which will cause builds to fail unexpectedly. It is recommended to specify only major or major and minor version (Example: `2` or `2.4`)
##[error]Version spec 2.7.5 for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory.
Available versions: /Users/runner/hostedtoolcache
As you can see, Azure only offers minor version updates, so it is impossible to instal a specific version like 2.7.5.
Exists a different method for installing a particular Ruby version in an Azure DevOps pipeline?