Compare each excel sheets with a table in oracle

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I have an xlsx file and I have loaded most of the sheets in transposed manner in oracle.

Ex:- Xlsx :

Roll no Name. Age Job
1 Harshita 25 IT

Oracle :

Roll No Parame Param_Value
1 Name Harshita
1 Age 25
1 Job IT

Now, roll number 1 in the Oracle table has three rows, but only one in the XLSX file. How can the count and value be confirmed to be the same when comparing table data with sheets?

Is it possible to develop a script to compare the sheets with the tables once the data has been loaded?

I attempted using macros, but I was unable to do so because the sheets would need to be changed every six months. I also tried a couple of queries like groupBy.

Feb 5, 2023 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

1 answer to this question.

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One way to verify the count and value of the data is to use SQL queries to compare the data between the Oracle table and the xlsx sheet.

  1. First, you need to create a new table in Oracle that has the same structure as the xlsx sheet.

  2. Import the xlsx data into this new table.

  3. Use a SQL query to compare the count of rows in both the tables, and to verify that the values in both the tables are the same. For example:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xlsx_table
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM oracle_table; 
  1. If the count is not the same, then use another query to find out which rows are missing:
SELECT * FROM xlsx_table
SELECT * FROM oracle_table; 
  1. If the values are not the same, then use another query to find out which values are different:
SELECT xlsx_table.*, oracle_table.* FROM xlsx_table, oracle_table 
WHERE xlsx_table.roll_no = oracle_table.roll_no 
AND ( != 
OR xlsx_table.age != oracle_table.age 
OR xlsx_table.job != oracle_table.job)

By using these queries, you can verify the count and values of the data and make sure that the data has been loaded correctly.

answered Feb 5, 2023 by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

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