Hi I really need some help using Django on Pycharm

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Hi, I am a student and my profesor needs me to install Django on PyCharm.

I made a big folder called PyCharmProjects and it includes like everything I have done in Python.

The problem is that I made a new folder inside this PyCharmProjects called Elementar, and I need to have the Django folders in there but it's not downloading.

I type in the PyCharm terminal django-admin manage.py startproject taskmanager1 (this is how my profesor needs me to name it)

After I run the code it says:

No Django settings specified.
Unknown command: 'manage.py'
Type 'django-admin help' for usage.

I also tried to install it through the MacOS terminal but I don't even have acces the folder named Elementar (cd: no such file or directory: Elementar) although it is created and it is seen in the PyCharm.

I really need your help guys. Thanks! ;)
Feb 1, 2023 in Others by Pahone

edited 5 days ago 11 views

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