I have a DynamoDB table created in account A and a role created in the same account to perform some actions on it.
This role will be assumed by a lambda function deployed in account B. Right now I am only deploying the stack with the code above in account A. The stack for account B with the cdk for the lambda function will be deployed later. This is the relevant role code for the stack deployed in account A as below:
self._ddb_table = ddb.Table(
ddb_lambda_role = iam.Role(self, "ddb_lambda_role",
ddb_policy_stmt = iam.PolicyStatement(
This gives an error saying: The following resource(s) failed to create: [ddblambdarole...].
There is no more information provided in the cli as well as the web console. Is there anything wrong you seeing with the role created above? How do I create a cross account role in the current account A that can be assumed by a lambda function in another account, if not the way done above?